15. Programming with Larch from Python¶
This chapter describes some of the key concepts of programming with the larch module from Python. All the functionality described elsewhere in this documentation is available from the larch Python module:
import larch
A simple session might look like this:
from larch.xafs import autobk
from larch.io import read_xdi
from wxmplot.interactive import plot
dat = read_xdi('examples/xafsdata/fe3c_rt.xdi')
dat.mu = dat.mutrans
autobk(dat, rbkg=1.0, kweight=2)
plot(dat.k, dat.k*dat.chi, xlabel='k 1/A', ylabel='chi*k')
from larch.xray import xray_line
print(xray_line('Cu', 'Ka1'))
(8046.3, 0.577108, u'K', u'L3')
15.1. Larch submodules¶
The larch module is broken up into a number of submodules, based mostly on type of data being processed.
15.2. Modules¶
As discussed in Section Running Larch Scripts, and Modules, Larch can import modules either written in Larch (with a ‘.lar’ extension) or Python (with a ‘.py’ extension). When importing a Python module, the full set of Python objects is imported as a Python module, which acts very much like a Larch Group.