.. _programming_chapter: ==================================== Programming with Larch from Python ==================================== This chapter describes some of the key concepts of programming with the `larch` module from Python. All the functionality described elsewhere in this documentation is available from the `larch` Python module:: import larch A simple session might look like this:: from larch.xafs import autobk from larch.io import read_xdi from wxmplot.interactive import plot dat = read_xdi('examples/xafsdata/fe3c_rt.xdi') dat.mu = dat.mutrans autobk(dat, rbkg=1.0, kweight=2) plot(dat.k, dat.k*dat.chi, xlabel='k 1/A', ylabel='chi*k') from larch.xray import xray_line print(xray_line('Cu', 'Ka1')) (8046.3, 0.577108, u'K', u'L3') Larch submodules ============================ The `larch` module is broken up into a number of submodules, based mostly on type of data being processed. Modules ================== As discussed in Section :ref:`tutorial_modules_section`, Larch can import modules either written in Larch (with a '.lar' extension) or Python (with a '.py' extension). When importing a Python module, the full set of Python objects is imported as a Python module, which acts very much like a Larch Group. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 frompython notpython plugins modules