.. _frompython_section: Using Larch from Python =================================== That is, you may want to consider Larch to be a set of Python modules for the analysis of X-ray spectroscopic and related data. There are plenty of good reasons to want to do this, and it is certainly possible. However, because Larch is intended for use independent of an installed Python system, there are two points to keep in mind when using Larch from Python. Larch keeps essentially all its functionality in plugins, which are *not* installed into the standard Python tree of installed modules, but into a folder specific to Larch. This means that, while Larch can be used from Python, Python will need to be told about where Larch is installed in order for the ``import`` statements to work. .. module:: larch Thus to get the :func:`_xafs.autobk` function into a Python module, you could do either:: from larch.xafs import autobk The second consideration is that many of the functions in the Larch plugins will only work if they are passed an instance of the Larch interpreter. This interpreter instance is primarily used inside Larch plugins to create Groups and place them in the current symbol table, or to access data from the builtin ``_sys`` module or from data resouces loaded into the ``_xray`` module. Though you won't need to write Larch scripts inside python (you **can**, but if you're reading this section, you probably want to use Python instead of Larch), you will need an instance of the interpreter. This is easily created, and can then be passed to any of the plugin functions with the ``_larch`` keyword argument:: from larch.xafs import autobk from larch.io import read_xdi dat = read_xdi('../xafsdata/fe3c_rt.xdi') dat.mu = dat.mutrans autobk(dat, rbkg=1.0, kweight=2) from larch.xray import xray_line xray_line('Cu', 'Ka1') (8046.3, 0.577108, u'K', u'L3')